By Danny & Rita Ballard A Brief Testimony from Sister Mary Ann Diotay, wife of Pastor Rex Diotay from Honda Bay Baptist Church.  She says, “I praise God for the VSM team introducing our youth to SOAP journaling and for giving me the wisdom to handle the youth in SOAP journaling and small group. We […]

First Buddhist Funeral: Our helper’s father past away last week. He was working on a large truck tire and it exploded. The cremation ceremony was a lot different than I expected. It started with about an hour of chants from the monks. After that they passed out flowers to everyone to lay in the casket. That […]

Seminary Classes Across Latin America September 5th was the first day of class for twenty-three students from eight countries.  This fall under the auspices of BMA Seminary three classes are being taught.  Phil Knott, Eric Johnson and I each teach one class a week at the Associate of Divinity level via the internet.  Pray for […]

By Jesse and Rebecca Hales Dominican Republic Oh, the fun of getting ready for furlough. That seems to be the main theme for this month. We will be flying to the US on September 23rd to visit supporters and renew our visas. We won’t get back home to the Dominican until December 30th. We are […]

There are seven billion people in the world today. Two billion of them can hear a Lifeword broadcast through traditional Lifeword “broad”-casting and Lifeword Community Radio “narrow” -casting. Covering more territory and more languages is Lifeword’s continued prayer through those gospel programs. During the 2016 Lifeword Sunday/Walk season, Lifeword Community Radio will be highlighted in […]