By Jesse and Rebecca Hales Dominican Republic Okay, so this month has just flown by way to fast!  We have been able to be a part of lots of great things though.  First of all, the VBS programs that we asked you to be praying for in last month’s newsletter (thank you for that) went […]

The M.S. Arrington River Boat of the BMA in South America By Buddy Johnson There is bad news and good news concerning the Arrington riverboat in South America. The bad news is that its hull rotted and the motor ruined. During the past ten years, the Arrington has made many trips up and down the […]

Jesse and Rebecca Hales Dominican Republic It is always encouraging when one ministry has developed enough where you can somewhat transition out of it and into another one.  When we first moved here to the Santo Domingo area Rebecca focused most of her ministry time in helping the children’s ministry in Manoguayabo.  That ministry has […]

Roof for Multi-Use Facility Started As you can see in the photo, work has begun!  Thanks to the generous offerings of one church in Texas, five columns will be built.  Two columns have been poured and work on the other three progresses. That just leaves seven (7) left to raise funds for. In case you […]

Summer is in Full Swing!! School is out, summer is here and we are busy at StonePoint Church in North Georgia!! Much is going on here and we are excited to be writing to everyone and catching you up on how things are going at our mission here and our church plant – StonePoint Church. […]