By Jesse and Rebecca Hales
Dominican Republic

It has been an exciting and crazy month since we reported to you last.  First, Bro. David Dickson (the famous field director in Latin America for the BMA) came to visit us.  It is always encouraging and motivating to get to sit down and talk with him face-to-face.  He has a lot of experience and wisdom to glean from.

After he left we had the privilege of hosting a team from Central Baptist Church in Conway, AR who came to help hold a VBS at the Nagua church.  This is the church Rebecca grew up in and we already knew most of the people on the team.  It was a lot like having family to come help.  It ended up being the biggest VBS the church had seen in a long time.  Hearts where touched and the Gospel was presented every day, even to the mothers who came with their kids.  The local teachers were very encouraged and picked up a few new ideas.  One of the most encouraging things that happened as a result of their trip actually happened with one of the translators.  He is a youth leader at one of our other churches here.  During the trip he realized that God had been calling him to work with kids.  He has since started working in the children’s ministry at his church where before there was only one overworked and overwhelmed teacher holding down the fort.  This is a clear answer to prayer that I am sure will have a lasting impact.

After this team left, my parents came to visit. I don’t think Mom knew just how busy Colton was going to keep her as they played nonstop. When the kids were asleep we organized the flannelgraph sets they brought down with them. I think they both went home looking for a vacation from their vacation. The best part of having them here was getting to watch the kids light up each morning when they would come out of their room for the day.


1 reply
  1. Bro. Marion g.
    Bro. Marion g. says:

    Great report; just knowing this, gives way to praising GOD !! HE never slumbers and does so much more than we can ever know. Thanks to the LORD.


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