Jesse and Rebecca Hales
Dominican Republic

It is always encouraging when one ministry has developed enough where you can somewhat transition out of it and into another one.  When we first moved here to the Santo Domingo area Rebecca focused most of her ministry time in helping the children’s ministry in Manoguayabo.  That ministry has now grown and developed in several positive ways.  This month Rebecca moved from this ministry to focus on the children’s ministry in Bienvenido.  The Children’s ministry there has grown to the point that they are ready to divide up into different classes and Rebecca will be helping in this process among other things.  Another big thing for this month has been all the preparation for the VBS programs getting ready to start.  It has been fun for me to watch the excitement grow in the teachers as they get all the plans, details and decorations worked out more and more.  Finally our report wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the quick ministry visit from our field coordinator and friend Bro. David Dickson.  His visits are always important to our ministry here.


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