By Jesse and Rebecca Hales
Dominican Republic

Okay, so this month has just flown by way to fast!  We have been able to be a part of lots of great things though.  First of all, the VBS programs that we asked you to be praying for in last month’s newsletter (thank you for that) went very well.  There were about 12 workers each day and around a total 0f 480 different kids who learned about imitating Christ with love and respect.  The teachers have already been coming up with ideas about next year’s programs.  We were also blessed with a visit from Pastor Steven Kim and members of his church in New Jersey.  They came to teach/help us install hydroponics gardening systems on the rooftops of 2 of the churches here.  Rebecca’s mom, Diann Jones, also blessed us with a visit this month.  Elisha is still walking around the house at random times calling for his “abuela” (grandma).  Add to all of that a ministry trip up to Nagua and all the other normal ministry activities and you get a great month that just goes by way too quickly.


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