Bill and Jeanette Gibson are BMA Global’s Legacy Missionaries for 2024. William L. Bill Gibson was born January 17th, 1942 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, to a family of farmers. He and his wife Jeanette were the same age, and when they were young, their families farmed within five miles of each other, attended church together, and […]
Such is the case with 2024 Legacy Missionary David Dickson, whom God protected when bullets were flying. Dickson’s parents were from Arkansas but relocated to California where they raised their family until David was fifteen. Ironically, Shelley’s family lived in California just fifteen miles from the Dicksons without ever meeting. The Dicksons moved back to […]
Bill and Jeanette Gibson are BMA Global’s Legacy Missionaries for 2024. William L. Bill Gibson was born January 17th, 1942 in Jonesboro, Arkansas, to a family of farmers. He and his wife Jeanette were the same age, and when they were young, their families farmed within five miles of each other, attended church together, and […]
By Michel Poirier, Missionary to French-speaking Africa So many are asking, what about Haiti? How is it? How (are) our churches? Here (is) what I hear: From Pastor M___ in Port-au-Prince: “It is not easy but God is in charge.” That’s what he tells me every week. For us in Quebec, Canada, we hear the […]
By John Chapman On a trip several years ago, my wife and I had lunch with a lady who was truly a world traveler, so I asked about her favorite trip. She immediately responded, ‘’Africa. It touched my very soul.” Years later, we planned another milestone anniversary trip and had agreed on a destination. But […]