By Holly Meriweather  It was a first for VSM! An American team of eleven leaders and students served in Portugal, making it the very first Volunteer Student Missions trip to this European country. The American team represented churches in Texas and Arkansas, and the in-country leaders were Portuguese, Brazilian, and Dutch. What a milestone for […]

By Holly Meriweather My Story In 1976, I was invited to join a group of girls at my church called GMA – Girls Missionary Auxiliary. I was excited to join: Hanging out with my friends on a Sunday night sounded like  just another chance to be with friends. My family didn’t attend church, but my […]

By Dr. Scott R. Carson, President and Director of BMAA Chaplaincy Dept. Operation Border Health Preparedness (OBHP) took place from July 23-29 along the U.S southern border. OBHP is an annual humanitarian mission offering a variety of medical services to the public in six different border towns. The goal is to prepare citizens for hurricane […]

In our BMA Global family, ministry happens everywhere and all around the globe. And we’re not just talking at churches, worship services, and discipleship groups. Sometimes ministry happens during basketball in the park, a hula hoop game, or face painting. More organically but intentionally and relationally, just like Jesus modeled. One example of that kind […]

By Holly Meriweather I have vivid memories of the events surrounding the death of my uncle after he was killed during a training mission while flying the British-made Harrier aircraft off the coast of Cherry Point, North Carolina. I was eight years old and playing in a softball game when men in a dark sedan […]