By Holly Meriweather I hope you all are aware of BMA Global’s Missionary Care team and Director Jonathan Montgomery’s efforts to serve our missionaries. If you are not, let me give you just one example of what it means to those who serve around the world, sometimes in closed- or creative-access areas. The following is […]
By Speech Language Pathologist Darla Gardner A closed access missionary, “Rose” is in touch with her family in Southeast Asia but unable to share her location and ministry. The program began in February of 2022 during COVID when I started teaching English to a class of boys and girls in Vietnam. The students would come […]
By Holly Meriweather It was a first for VSM! An American team of eleven leaders and students served in Portugal, making it the very first Volunteer Student Missions trip to this European country. The American team represented churches in Texas and Arkansas, and the in-country leaders were Portuguese, Brazilian, and Dutch. What a milestone for […]
By Holly Meriweather My Story In 1976, I was invited to join a group of girls at my church called GMA – Girls Missionary Auxiliary. I was excited to join: Hanging out with my friends on a Sunday night sounded like just another chance to be with friends. My family didn’t attend church, but my […]
By Dr. Scott R. Carson, President and Director of BMAA Chaplaincy Dept. Operation Border Health Preparedness (OBHP) took place from July 23-29 along the U.S southern border. OBHP is an annual humanitarian mission offering a variety of medical services to the public in six different border towns. The goal is to prepare citizens for hurricane […]