The following is an email sent to Missionary Care Director Bro. Jerry Kidd from Myint Aung, missionary to Burma (Myanmar). He and his wife Mal were last-minute attendees of the Asia-Pacific Missionary Care Conference February 8-12. Lifeword’s Burmese speaker and BMA Missionary Rama (and wife Lalhmu) Bochung also attended:

Myint and Mal Aung

Myint and Mal Aung

The Family Care Conference in Manila had been a blessing for us.

BMA’s Asia-Pacific Family Care Ministry Conference in Manila (Philippines) was a special one for us. From Myanmar Rama and Lalhmu, my wife Mal Sawmi and I were able to join and participate in it without much preparation in advance. Sarah Hamilton was so quick and so helpful in everything when we needed information or helps. I give you credit, Sarah, for your hard work! We are so glad we have come and joined with you as family at this peaceful and lovely conference.

As I know it was a conference created, sponsored, hosted and led by the BMA Family Care Ministry. I don’t know how many times our BMA’s Family Care Ministry had been having this kind of conference in the past. I sincerely hope it will have again and again in the future because it is so enjoyable and so good for the missionaries who attended, in many ways. Thanks be to God. And thank you, Bro. Jerry Kidd, for this family conference so nicely done under your guidance and leadership.

For us it was an experience we will not easily forget. We were able to meet and get to know other missionaries who are serving the Lord in Asia-Pacific region such as, India, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, etc. We also had opportunity to meet and get to know a team of those who had come from America to this conference including Mrs. Sue Kidd. It was also a time of reunion with old friends and with those we had not seen for a long time. Above all, we had opportunity to make friendship and fellowship with other missionaries, and to pray for one another, from this conference. This, we would never get unless we have come together at one place, like this.

Rama and Lahlmu Bochung

Rama and Lahlmu Bochung

At this conference we heard great preaching from the Word of God every evening. We also sang great songs every day and night. I realized that we came here together not to shut our hearts, mouths, eyes and ears! It is important that we must open them all when we come to this kind of conference so that we would not be left behind. All were enjoyable!

Great learning! The lectures taught and explained to us every morning by our BMA Foreign Missions Director Bro. Phil Knott was very good. The Guiding Vision of out BMA Missions and many others that we learned from Bro. Phil Knott’s power point presentation were excellent! Many others who took parts in the leading, sharing and teaching in those many sessions during the conference did so well. No one could have done it better.

We thank God, and had really appreciated and enjoyed our participation at this conference. The worship, fellowship, friendship were all warm and lovely. Everybody there was friendly, polite, and loving. It was a conference nicely done in a Christian, family, care and love atmosphere. We now know how to pray and what to pray for one another who are serving the Lord in various countries of Asia-Pacific region. We will remember each other in prayers, and we will always remember this conference. I believe it is a blessing for all of us.

The BMA Family Care Ministry Director Bro. Jerry Kidd said many good things during this conference for us to remember. One among them was “Be fair spiritually with God.” And that’s what I always want to be.


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