Writer´s Training

At this writing we are traveling to Mexico to attend the BMA of Mexico national meeting. During that time we will meet with the writers there to select a place and time for the second section of training on how to plan a curriculum.

We are also in the process of planning writers conferences in Central and South America.


Back in the 1970´s an 18 year old girl came to work at Casa Bautista Misionera de Publicaciones, which is now Editorial Bautista.

For over 40 years Gloria Hidalgo has worked in BMAA Spanish publications, not only as a translator and graphic designer (her favorite jobs), but also as secretary, artist, and even running the presses and collating materials.

The desire she has often expressed of leaving this world sitting at her computer working on Spanish literature is a reflexion of her devotion.

Last fall Gloria began working on curriculum for Junior high students, which has been on her heart for years. She was able to finish 2 quarters before being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer which had spread all over her body.

We ask you to please remember this faithful warrior in the Lord´s work, her husband, Federico, son Eric, daughter, Cristina, her mother, Ann, and her 2 grandsons in your prayers.


1 reply
  1. Bro. Marion g.
    Bro. Marion g. says:

    Thanks to Gloria and all others in this continuing work. Been praying and will continue, as this work opens to new doors!


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