Our Bible Institute in Aquismón, Mexico and her extension courses across Mexico continually struggles to have sufficient funds for operation and upkeep. One plan that is helping is the rental of the property to church groups during the summer or on weekends for Christian meetings and summer camps.  Those funds help with maintenance and new projects at the institute.  Converting the basketball court into a multi-use area by roofing it would greatly enhance the rental of the property for camps.  Presently we have funds for two columns out of the ten columns needed. Would you consider giving any amount toward this project.  The remaining eight columns cost a total of $3,700 dollars or approximately $470 dollars each. That one time offering will help us erect the remaning columns. If you would like to give, send that offering marked “Roof Fund for Ricky Williams Special Project Fund” at BMAA Department of Missions in Conway, AR.

Theological Education in Latin America

How seriously to do you take 2 Timothy 2:15? The ESV expresses it this way, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved….rightly handling the word of truth.”  I have encountered some of the finest students of His Word as I travel across Latin America sharing courses from our BMAT seminary and her teachers.  Some are pastors while others are lay workers.  But they are doing their best to be approved workers before the Lord. Although the teachers at BMATS give graciously of their time to teach, their are expenses incurred.  While we try to do most of the classes via internet to avoid costly airfare, sometimes certain classes require in-person teaching.  This year I will be travelling to Bolivia and Peru. The trip to Bolivia is to speak at their alumni retreat and then the next week I will hop over to Peru to be with Dr. Charley Holmes to coordinate a class on Homiletics there as well as across Latin America.  The total cost is 1200 dollars for the airfare.If the Lord impresses upon your heart to help, send that offering marked “Bolivia/Peru airfare” to the office of missions of the BMA in Conway. Any amount would be appreciated.

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