By Jesse and Rebecca Hales
Dominican Republic

With the headlines in the news now days it seems like sensible people need some encouragement.  To be honest though this has not been the month to write a very uplifting report full of rainbows and sunshine.  In fact, this month had an ongoing theme of real heartbreak and problem finding, you know, the real devastating kind.  It has been my experience that ministry (no matter location) starts to make a difference when it starts to get dirty.  There is no such thing as sanitized service to God.  With that in mind we strive to put on the whole armor of God and get it dirty.  I’m talking teenage boy’s nasty gym socks kind of dirty (no offense guys).  God doesn’t give us armor so we can polish it and make it look pretty.  He is not elbowing angels and saying “look at that shiny little saint.”  Oh friends, please help us pray that He will give us a dirty faith accompanied with His wisdom and strength.  We desperately want to make a difference here and see Him glorified.  He is where our encouragement comes from and our victory lies.

A few weeks ago at the dinner table the conversation turned to explaining to Colton that there are people all around the world that pray for us and for the people here. I tried to emphasize they (you) also pray for him. The look on his face showed that he was quite taken aback and impressed with this new found knowledge. I then took it a step further and dared to ask him what he would like people to pray about when they pray for him. He thought about it a minute and then explained that he would like you… CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL NEWSLETTER.

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