By Brandon & Brittney Lingle

Judson James Lingle!

Baby JJ is here! He was born June 3rd 12:44pm. JJ was 7.3lbs and 20.5 inches long. Brittney did great! He came a little early (He was 38weeks). We are so glad he is here. What a blessing!

Born With a Lung Infection: 

About an hour after Judson was born, the doctors noticed fast breathing and his chest swelling. They did an x-ray and found out that he had an infection in his lungs and air in his chest. The infection caused his left lung to collapse. The extra air leaking into his chest was coming from a hole in his lung.

They immediately sent him to the NICU and did emergency procedures to get him stable. The nurses then called me (Brandon) to come to the NICU. When I got there they sat me down in a chair. I could see him through the window. There was a flashing red light above his bed, and an alarm going off. I noticed all the nurses and doctors rushing around him. I probably was just sitting there for a few minutes, but if felt like hours.

Finally, the doctor came and talked to me. She calmly explain what was going on. He had Pneumothorax. They don’t know where the infection came from. Everything seemed bizarre to them. I didn’t want to ask, but I had to… What are his chances of survival? The doctor at that time told me 50/50. My heart sank. I slowly walked back to our hospital room. I didn’t know how I was going to tell Brittney. I knew I needed to be strong and hopeful. I thought I could, but when I arrived and started talking I couldn’t… That was the time when my emotions came out. I felt so bad for her while I was trying to keep it together. I didn’t want to upset her. During that time we had prayer with our friends Jo and Jessie. Even though it was a sad and scary time, I can say we had a sense of peace and comfort in God. We know He is sovereign and good.

So now, about a week later he is still in the NICU. He is doing much better, and has improved a lot! The doctor herself said “it is a miracle from God” that he is responding good and is very strong. The doctor was right! There have been so many people… READ THE FULL NEWSLETTER HERE.

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