Jesse and Rebecca Hales
Dominican Republic

Those of you who read our newsletter last month know that it was more difficult than normal. That is not the case this month. In fact, God has opened the door for us to directly minister in one of those situations and we have seen some promising moves to restoration and reconciliation there. We are still praying for this and the other situations.

This month has been full of different activities.  There are always the different meetings with youth leaders and children’s workers as well as the other normal ministry opportunities.  We had the privilege to add to that a visit from part of the choir at Oklahoma Baptist University.  They blessed us with a special children’s service at one of our churches and a special concert at another one.  There was also a multi-church youth meeting that did my heart good when I saw the great turn out with standing room only and the great attitude and participation from the youth.  We had another visit to the Juvenile Detention Center with that ministry.  Pray we can help establish more of a discipleship ministry there.  Last but not least, Rebecca has started helping to coordinate a first ever joint VBS program for the churches here.  This is a big step toward better cooperation between the different children’s ministries in the churches as well as making the VBS ministry more reproducible.  Thank you for your continued prayers for this and the rest of the ministry here.

Those of you who read our newsletter last month know that it was more difficult than normal.  That is not the case this month.  In fact, God has opened the door for us to directly minister in one of those situations and we have seen some promising moves to restoration and reconciliation there.  We are still praying for this and the other situations.


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