Greetings from Ghana West Africa!

We are now back in Ghana from our furlough.  We arrived on May 4th and we’ve been busy ever since then.  We really enjoyed our time in the states and are so glad that we were able to visit with so many churches, associations, WMA and GMA meetings!  The time passed by so fast!  We would like to thank all of the churches for inviting us to come and share what God is doing in Ghana.  The hospitality everywhere we went was awesome!  Thank you all for your support, prayers, and encouraging words, we appreciate it so very much!

Since we’ve been back in Ghana we have been so proud of how the work here has progressed while we were away.  We have been teaching and training for four years and they have shown us how much they have learned and we are so very proud of the leadership for moving the work forward.

The Bible Institute has made lots of progress within the last couple of years.  In the beginning, Mrs. Celia started the degree program and last September the first group of students graduated with a degree in Religion.  As of now,  new students enrolled in January while we were in the states and had completed 4 classes by the time we arrived back in Ghana.  Mrs. Celia trained Enoch Yaw Adusei to be the director of the school and he has done a fantastic job of managing the finances as well as the scheduling, enrollment, and even some building projects along the way.  He has hired teachers for the degree classes as well as for the certificate level classes.  The auditorium that was started just before we came to the states is well on its way to completion.  Today they are working on completing the cement floors and beginning to build restrooms for the facility.  As a matter of fact, the first meeting was held in the auditorium last week!

We have also visited several churches and church plants since we have been back.  A couple of weeks ago we visited a church plant that had just gotten started when we left for the states.  This is the one that we mentioned at several churches that we visited where they had baptized 25 people.  There were 90 in attendance the day we visited and they are really excited about sharing the Gospel in the area of Komfookrom.  The pastor that is working in that area is Pastor Amoako Robbet and he is doing a great job working with the people there.

From now until the end of September is going to be very busy for us.  We will be hosting a VSM team, a BMMI team, and the Water for Christ team. Then in September Celia will be teaching in Tanzania along with Delores Lovell, Diane Spriggs, and Valarie Fish.  We are looking forward to the teams coming as well as the trip to Tanzania!  Please pray for everyone as they travel.

We would like to thank everyone for their support, prayers, and encouragement as we minister in Ghana.  We would not be able to do what we do, without the support of the churches and the associational work.  May God richly bless all of you is our prayer.

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